What pulls us back in life?

What pulls us back in life?

What pulls us back in life?


I wonder how many of us have played with a catapult in our childhood or gained joy out of jumping on a trampoline?

 The fun of jumping higher is precious and the thought of our aim hitting the right thing is equally fun. So how do you think this joy or these precious moments get created?

Actually, we don’t even realize that the lower we go on the trampoline, we jump up that much higher or how much we pull the string of the catapult so that the aim is achieved.

This is a very unmindful activity without even realizing the pain, the energy, or the pure rush to simply achieve.


If we were to compare this to our life without realization, we will see that there are hundreds and thousands of things that pull us back or hold us down and that we pay so much attention to understanding and resolving those bit by bit.

So, what is it that truly holds us back from taking that one step to work harder, that one step to fly higher, or that one leap to take the risk?

In our minds, we are fully aware that it is for our betterment and we will be in a much better space when we take this action. Yet.!




Fear of success is common, but many of us don't realize that we have it.

 Self-sabotaging activities – such as procrastination, negative self-talk, and fearing what the success will bring – may hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams.

 Our experiences, our cultures, and even our families can build fears and limitations that can hold us back, or hold us down.

Fear is powerful enough to keep us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. It feeds stagnation and keeps us from taking advantage of opportunities.

 Many people are living in the self-made prisons of their own fears. ... We don't want to simply tolerate our fears—we want to eliminate them.

Secondly, Seeking approval.

If you are focused on what others think of you, you aren't listening to yourself. Your attempts to gain approval from others will only hold you back. There are times when it's good to get the opinions of others, but you don't need constant accolades from everyone around you.

Thirdly, we can also say that Time pulls us back.

Since we are probably waiting for someone and something to move us ahead of that time. But what will really move us is taking action.


Some of the below pointers can help you understand what really holds us back:


1.Waiting for the right time / right moment

2.Mismatch between the plan we made and what was the real aim.

3.Early expectations from others and your actions.

4.Being rigid in your ideas and perspectives.

5.Allowing mind clutter with negative views from self and others.

6.Not accepting the reality or the truth.

7.Living in the past mistakes, rejections, and blocking your today and tomorrow.

8.Incorrect belief system.

9.Feel the need to handle only simple things.

10.Living in a dream or unreal world.

11.Avoiding changes in even small steps.

12.Don't want to be held accountable.

13.Loss of the feeling of compassion, acceptance, and helping people around you.

14.Rigidly holding on and not letting go.

15.Overthinking and Assumptions.



The list can keep going since we are all unique people in this world. The point is how can we move ahead, it is simply that to get whatever you want in life you need to give up the clutter that you are holding onto.

So, think twice before you allow yourself to simply lead a life that is dictated by others, it may come as advice but for all, you know that advice may not be suitable for your life, your people, and above all your personality.

When we start doing things that are not in our natural behavior we are naturally out off and don’t want to really proceed with any activity.

This further brings us down when our own loved ones show a sympathetic corner and acknowledge our weakness and ask us to give up since it's too much hard work and they cannot see us in pain.

 Is that really how you want to live your life?

 Surely not, below are some ways in which you can actually take a step ahead and find joy in the way you chose to live.


Firstly, Acknowledge and Accept the setback.

Write down all that holds you back, makes you fearful, or even judge yourself on a piece of paper. Read through it till it becomes real and a part of you.

Feel all the emotions and feelings that can come in the way of what is holding you back

Check again and add to the list in case you wish to modify.

Then ask yourself what is the worst-case scenario in case all that you have written on the piece of paper is true or has the scope of becoming true

Allow reasoning and rational thinking to take you over.

Take steps in preparation on how you will get out or move away from this cage that you have made for yourself.

Acknowledge the here-and-now and be mindful and at that moment Check what went your way and what did not.

Choose to applaud yourself on all that worked for you, yet keep the list of what all you can work with to make further improvements

Pat your back and rejoice in every small and big success and achievement.


Remember the battles that you choose to fight with your patience and wisdom will never stand in your way again and even if they do you already have a strategy on how to win them over and move ahead. This will be your wisdom and your choice.


Rejoice in life and all its events and bounce up as high as you can to get the joy.
















Author: Sonali Sikdar

Post date: 1st Jan, 2021


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